Point your Domain to Yarsa Host using External Name Servers

If you have set up third-party name servers in your Dot NP domain, it's a good idea to modify your existing name servers so Yarsa Host can automatically set all the required DNS records for your domain. If you cannot modify the existing domain for any reason, such as existing email services, you can point your domain to Yarsa Host to use the free hosting.

Check for Existing Records

To check your existing name servers, open the .NP Domain Whois Lookup page and enter your domain name. On the results page, look for the Primary name server and Secondary name server names.



If you have the following name servers, your domain is already pointing to Yarsa Host. You don't need to do anything else.



Update Records

If you have something else as your name servers, you need to visit your existing name server providers, such as Cloudflare, and point your domain to Yarsa Host. Different name servers have different interfaces to change the DNS Records. To point your website, you may need to modify an existing DNS Record, or add a new one. If you already host your website somewhere else, you need to modify the DNS Record. If you haven't hosted the website yet, you need to add a new record.

Step-by-step Guide

Please follow these steps to point your domain to Yarsa Host using external name servers.

  1. To find the IP address of the Yarsa Host server, open the Web Hosting Access page. Log in if required.
  2. Copy the Yarsa Host IP Address from the IP Addresses section.

  3. On your external name server provider, go to the DNS Records page and see if you already have an A Record for the domain. If you do not have an A Record, you need to add a new record.

  4. If there is only one record, you need to modify it. If there are more than one A Record entries, delete all A Record entries except one.

  5. Set up the correct A Record to point your domain or subdomains to Yarsa Host.

    Type Name IP Address Remarks
    A @ <Yarsa Host IP Address> Required
    The @ sign means the naked domain without any subdomains, like www. The A RECORD tells that the example.com.np is hosted on the given IP Address.

    Note: Replace <Yarsa Host IP Address> with the actual numeric IP Address you copied earlier.

  6. Optionally, set up the CNAME Records to point both example.com.np and www.example.com.np to Yarsa Host.
    Type Name IP Address Remarks
    CNAME www <example.com.np> Optional
    The CNAME RECORD says that www.example.com.np is an alias of example.com.np. If you set this record, your website will be accessible from both example.com.np and www.example.com.np.
    A * <Yarsa Host IP Address> Optional
    The asterisk sign ( * ) means all subdomains of example.com.np such as www.example.com.np, foobar.example.com.np, abcxyz123.example.com.np should point to the IP Address.

    NOTE: Remember to replace <example.com.np> with your own domain name and <Yarsa Host IP Address> with the numeric IP Address you copied earlier.

After setting up the correct records, please allow a few minutes a few hours for the DNS to propagate your changes. After the DNS change propagates, your website should start working as intended. If your domain does not point to Yarsa Host even after 24 hours after making the changes, please contact us to help you with the changes.

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